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Tree of the Month - December

Scotland's northernmost woodland

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Tree of the Month - November

The UK champion Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens)

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Tree of the Month - October

Third ever tree in England to reach 200ft is discovered at Hergest Croft

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Tree of the Month - September

Rare elm found in the West Midlands

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Tree of the Month - August

Re-finding an old champion - Taxus baccata 'Adpressa'

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Tree of the Month - July

Rare Ash variant Scolopendrifolia found in cemetery

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Tree of the Month - June

New champion Wollemi Pine

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Tree of the Month - May

Norfolk Island PIne in Guernsey

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Tree of the Month - April

A good example of climate change

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Tree of the Month - March

Tallest known Manna Ash

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